Address: 2 N Prospector Way, Tok, AK 99780 Contact +1848-288-6826 Available house for rent move in ready Appliances included Pet is allowed Section 8 is accepted Heat to be kept at a minimum of 55 degrees year round. Water pump breaker to be turned off when home is vacant during the winter months. If renter chooses to have the home winterized while being gone for long periods in the winter, renter must assume the cost and use landlord's choice of plumber. Renters assume all costs if damage is incurred due to long periods of vacancy. Any damage to the property (land or home) due to negligence (including freezing or flooding) will be the renter's responsibility. Renter is responsible for small maintenance repairs. Notify landlord for all other necessary repairs. Locks and all parts of the home are to remain in same shape without prior permission of the landlord. Washer and dryer is there for the length of their lives, after which they will not be replaced. Same with the two ShelterLogic carports. Burn barrel to be used only with a screen during times that are safe and legal for fire safety. Wood stove to be used safely! 30 days' notice of lease termination will be given by landlord if these terms are not followed. 30 days' notice to be given to landlord if tenant is moving out of leased property. No early lease termination without penalties, unless mutually agreed upon and signed by both tenant and landlord.