
Overview Facts and features Rent Zestimate Price History Nearby schools Neighborhood Local Legal Protections Contact OVERVIEW Use two fingers to move the map This property on the map Street View Travel times Add work destination Overview Days listed 43 | Contacts 15 Before contacting us, please confirm that all prospective occupants over the age of 18 meet the following criteria: Strong credit score. All scores below 600 will automatically be declined. Scores over 600 do not guarantee acceptance. No co-signers accepted. No bankruptcies, judgments, evictions, or foreclosures. Some criminal records may also be grounds for rejection. Gross monthly income of three times the rent amount. Recommendation. not applicable in some cases. Income verification: bank statement and another financial document such as check stubs, award letter, job offer letter, tax return form, etc. In addition, you must show that you have enough money in your bank account to comfortably cover all move-in costs or that such funds will be available at the time of move-in. The process will move much faster if you submit these items with your application. Residency verification: name and phone number or other contact information of landlord, management company, leasing agent, etc. CONTACT : 6028006489