3 Bedroom
2 Bathroom
1400 - 1600 sq. ft.
Houston, TX 77005
Had leak from Harvey but not flooded. Because of the damages, it has been replaced with new roof. ceiling and wall sheetrock. attic and wall insulations. interior/exterior paintings. Wifi controllable AC/heater. airducts. water/gas piping. windows. doors. water heater. gas range. island hood. dishwasher. cabinets. quartz counter tops. bathtubs. vanities. floors. circuit breaker box and receptacles. etc.(2) New 25 cf side-by-side refrigerator, Maytag washer+dryer. (3) Excellent sound insulation from the street. (4) Walk one block to a near-by park with city tennis court.For more information text or call 4076550957
Monthly Rent
Rent Includes
Lease Period
Month to Month
Photo Gallery
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310 307 0773
Phone #:
310 307 0773
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