6 Bedroom
5 Bathroom
Over 3000 sq. ft.
Atlanta, GA 30342
Property Id: 29884 Location, location, location Spacious and airy yet cozy and comfortable. An oasis just around the corner from the malls and office buildings. Sarah Smith/Sutton/Buckhead schools. Can access highways and avoid traffic in all directions. Best value for the money and a terrific investment
What I love about this home
location, location, location!! Spacious and airy yet cozy and comfortable. An oasis just around the corner from the malls and office buildings. Can access highways and avoid traffic in all directions. Best value for the money and a terrific investment!.
nice house and nice neighborhood for more information contact (240) 307-1430
Monthly Rent
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Lease Period
Month to Month
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building construction
Phone #:
(240) 307-1430
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